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Apartman Projesi, kendi disiplinlerinde kendi dillerini yaratmis farkli santcilari bir araya getirmek icin workshop surecine dayali bir üretim biçimini amaclar.
“Serbest dusus/Free Fall”projesi, bu workshop konseptinde farkli bir deneyim olusturma, yeni bir yol acma, bir baska deyisle workshoplarin yapisini degistirerek yeni bir dil/yeni bir pratik ortaya cikartma girisimidir.
Bu amaçla Apartman Projesi, sanatcilar icin fiziksel olarak ayni calisma/uretme mekaninda bir araya gelmeye ihtiyac duymadan, uretimlerini paylasabilecekleri sanal bir workshop mekanı olan platformunu olusturdu.
Sanal workshop sureci 15 günle sınırlandirilan bu projede, her sanatçının günlük hayata ilişkin pratiği, yazıları, notları ve hayatını etkileyen dinamiklerin dökumantasyonuna yer veriliyor. Aslinda bir nevi karalama defteri/Sketch Book niteliği taşiyan ‘Serbest Dusus/Free Fall’un kavramsal cercevesini ise gundemin sanatçıların kisisel hafizalarinda olusturdugu ‘izdüşüm’ler ciziyor. Bu izdusumlerin, projenin bitis tarihine kadar (15.03.2010) olusturulan bu sanal platformda birikerek, sanatcilarin birbirlerinin isleriyle etkilesim icinde oldugu, surec odakli zincirleme bir uretim bicimine donusmesini hedefliyoruz.
Ayrica, cevaplarin havuza ne sekilde dustugunu gormek, daha da onemlisi bu dususu saniyeleriyle arsivlemek icin, siteye her isin platforma aktarildigi ani gosteren bir zaman sayaci yerlestirilecek. Boylece, projenin ‘sonuc’ degil ‘surec’ odakli yapisi da guclendirilmis olacak.
Artzamanlı olarak ayni konseptte Portekiz, Slovenya, Finlandiya gibi Avrupanın farkli ulkelerinde gerceklestirilecek olan ‘FreeFall’ projesinin İstanbul ayaginin sergisi, 25Mart-10 Nisan arasında Apartman Projesinde gorulebilecek.
The Apartment Project’s aim had been to collectively create and produce different voices in exhibitions based on workshops. These workshops include people who have all formulated their own languages within their own fields.
Project “Free Fall”, in this point, is an attempt to create a different experience, open up a new path in these workshops, namely to create a new language/practice by way of changing the structure and working out of workshops.
To this end, Apartment Project formed the platform of, which will work as a virtual workshop place for the artists where they can share their productions without the necessity of coming together in the same physical working/production place.
With a 15 days of virtual workshop process, this project shelters the documentation of the everyday life practice, writings, notes and the life-effecting dynamics of each artist. It is the “falling” of individual memories of artists into this platform by following up each other that draws the conceptual framework of “Free Fall” which is in effect a kind of personal sketch book or diary. These interactively fallen materials will come together in this virtual platform until the end of the workshop process (15.03.2010) as a serial of works in which artists interact with and response the works of each other.
Moreover, just to observe how the answers flow to the pool, or rather to archive this flow second by second, a time indicator which shows the moment of transference will be replaced to the website. This will also help with the process-oriented structure of the workshop.
The exhibition of Free Fall” project, which later on will be carried at different European countries like Portugal, Slovenia, Finland, takes places in İstanbul at Apartment Project on March 25th-April 10th 2010.