Friday, March 12, 2010


ince, krem, kolları bolca, uçları hafif büzgülü bluzun
yalnız kolları görünüyor
siyah, vücuda oturmuş, normal boyda
el örgüsü yelek ile
beyaz etek bol
beyaz ince eşarpı var omuzunda
gri renkli beton gibi bir oluk taşıyor
çekiyor, içi oyuk
hafif yokuşun üzerindeki okula benzeyen
iki katlı açık sarı binaya doğru
arkada başka evler de var
ama boşluk, fazla boş
açık arazi denebilir
üzerine reklam panoları saplanmış
dağ gibi, kaderine boyun eğiyor



on voit seulement les bras de sa blouse
que ses bouts son légerement plisser
les bras impeut large, céme, mince
avec un gilet tricoter a la main
en taille normal
comme un gant noire sur le corp
elle a une écharpe blanche, mince
une jupe large, blanche
elle porte un tuyau creux, gri
comme béton
tire, vers le batiment jaune claire
qui est sur la cote léger
a deux étages, et qui ressemble a une école
il y a d'autre maison en arriére
mais vide, trop vide, terrain ouvert
elle se soumet a son destin
comme la montagne sur laquelle
enfoncés des panneaux réclame

("yalan yere yemin"den)



One can only see the arms of her thin,
cream blouse somewhat loose around
the arms and tightened around the wrists
on her she has an average length
black hand-knitted vest that fits tightly on her body,
and a loose white skirt,
on her shoulders a thin white scarf
on an easy slope she is carrying,
pulling a grey, hollow drain pipe which looks like it is made of cement
towards the light yellow coloured building that looks like a school
in the back there are other houses too
but space, too empty
one could call this an empty lot
there are billboards stuck in it
like a mountain, she gives in to her fate

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